Sunday, November 11, 2012


Forza has taken a left turn fom its simulation roots to transform into a racing game that can match the best arcade titles

Aside from Gears of War and Halo, Microsoft has third franchise that's synonymous with the X360. The Forza series of racing games, first released in 2005. We've seen three games on the XBOX 360, each a marked improvement over the last. With each game having a laser focus on the simulation ascept of driving, the latest entry, Forza Horizon is a bit different.
    Fusing the best elements from festivals you're greeted by a plethora of colours and some great music to boot. Gone are the overtly hygienic look and feel of the earlier games. The only thing Forza Horizon is serious about is having fun and it shows.

    The cars handle brilliantly on default settings. But if you're new to racing you can turn on every assist and hint and play it as if it were an arcade racer like Burnout or Need For Speed. If you're a Forza veteran, you can turn off every possible driving aid for a pure racing experimence that very few racing games can match up to. The feel of racing down highway is satisfying, fun and downright addictive.

    This time around the open country roads of Colorado wilderness is your playground rather than the humdrum tracks and stadia that made up earlier games.
    The transition to off road racing hasn't hurt the game one bit. There are a variety of events to keep you busy too. From racing against airplanes in a time challenge to setting the fatest times for speed cameras, you'll never find yourself bored. You'll also be prompted to purchase cars or treasure maps ever so often. It's great for Microsoft to embrace micritransactions and while game dev is expensive, it's in bad taste to pester a user who has spent Rs 3k+ for a game.
    These gripes aside, Forza Horizon is a heavily polished game that's worthy of a purchase. There's a lot to do and most importantly,it's a lot of fun to do it all.

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